Friday, September 3, 2010

Is This Really Happening?

Hello work force!

After a hard and trying six weeks of new nursing orientation to the medical surgical floor I leave the comforts of having a preceptor and face the full patient load alone. My confidence level is at an all time low, I never thought nursing would break me! If I hear one more time, “Just wait it out, learn as you go” or worse yet, “just wing it”, I may scream. In nursing school we were not forewarned about the endless nights of running around trying to care for five patients whose needs are classified as high demands. The concept of nursing is a great; I liked that idea better than this reality shock I have faced. Am I ready to go on my own Sunday? Would you want me as your nurse? I just have to get through one full year! I can do this! I have confidence in myself, my abilities, and my nursing skills. I just hope I do not kill myself on this journey.


I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing while earning a 3.3 grade point average at a private Catholic college. I felt this program was very difficult and had taught me everything I needed to know about nursing! However, after graduation I took a job as a nurse at a smaller hospital an hour away from home and realized quickly I have much more to learn. Now that hour commute allows me to place myself in the depths of despair before I even walk through those sliding glass doors that lead to the unit of hell.
-Nurse Stat